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359 名前:匿名さん:2022/02/08 17:43

Anonymous1/1/22 17:55
Crown princess Kiko is the one who is always the best dressed.
Princess Kako's ensemble has a beautiful cut and color. A pity the fabric reminds too much the 60ies and 70ies.
Empress Masako's dress and jacket often in a white colour are always the same style. The design of Princess Aiko's dress is too old fashion for a young girl.

Anonymous2/1/22 15:18
Princess Kako stands out in her bright colored suit, the fabric is splendid as always. Hard to say what shade of blue Princess Aiko's suit is ? It is true I think that she is maturing into a beautiful young woman.
Maybe I'm wrong but I think (comparing today's photos with older photos) her teeth have been fixed a little, and it has enhanced her smile and maybe her confidence too !
Lovely to see Emperor and Empress emeritus Akihito and Michiko. She still wears the kimono beautifully.

Anonymous2/1/22 20:00
I hadn't noticed her teeth. I'm glad you said something. I do hope they were, or are, being straightened. It really does boost one's self-esteem, especially if they are shy to begin with. If only she could dress like a woman of twenty . . . ~d

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